REVOLUTION- 4th Place Overall    Revolution's Runs
Round 1:  Missed hoop and did not realize it
Round 2:  2nd Place
Round 3:  off course :(
Round 4: 2nd Place
Round 5: 8th Place ( Missed hoop and did not realize it)
Round 6:  2nd Place
Round 7:  1st Place
SYNERGY  ( was off 6 months with psoas injury and has been crazy every since returning to training/trialing)
Syn's runs
Round 6: 3rd Place
Round 7:  8th place

TANDEM  HIGHEST Number of Bonus Points in Starter Stakes   
Tandems runs

JP7   Starter Stakes !   He missed alot of contact :( :(  but nice runs for a 2 year old !    JP Runs
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